Individual Exchange Membership
One of the biggest costs to high volume and frequency traders is the per contract exchange fee that is charged by the exchange. Many of these traders are unaware that they can receive reduced clearing fees by becoming an exchange member, or leasing a seat at the CME. Exchange memberships enable customers to trade specific contracts at significantly lower exchange fee rates. High volume traders can benefit greatly, as the exchange fee lowers with each volume threshold.
The application and approval process can be daunting to even the most sophisticated trader. Because of this, Ironbeam offers clients its full assistance throughout the entire membership onboarding process.
Ironbeam can:
-Help you decide which type of membership would be the most accompanying to your trading objectives.
-Provide you with the correct application forms you will need, and make sure that you provide all of the necessary information to the exchange.
-Assist in the bid and offer process (if purchasing), and negotiate lease terms and agreements (if leasing).
-Give you all-encompassing, ongoing support throughout the life of your exchange membership.
Individual CME Membership Process
Once you have decided that a CME Individual Membership is right for you, it will be time to apply for membership. There are four levels of individual CME membership, and each involves the same application process. Your dedicated membership specialist at Ironbeam will walk you through every step of the way.
Visit the Ironbeam Knowledge Base for more helpful information.