
Ironbeam is an official broker partner of TradingView. Learn about Ironbeam's TradingView integration and offerings.

Does Ironbeam support the TradingView platform?

–Yes, Ironbeam is an official broker partner of TradingView.

What are the day margins on the TradingView platform?

The day trade margins on the TradingView platform are typically 10% of the overnight exchange margin.

How do I create a TradingView / Ironbeam account?

To get started, you’ll need to open and fund an Ironbeam trading account. Once your account is open, simply log...

Which browsers does TradingView support?

Ironbeam recommends moderns browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge.

Which exchanges can I trade via TradingView?

We currently support trading on the CME/GLOBEX exchanges, FAIRX (Coinbase Derivatives), ICE US, ICE EU, and the EUREX exchange via...